- Zoom in and zoom out (both with mouse and buttons on the right top corner) to see modificationson the protein
- Slide the chart to see other modifications (both with mouse and buttons on the right topcorner)
- Hover on the modification to see more information and position on the structure.
Showing 3 results
Swiss-Prot Position | Modification | Source | Evidence | Singly phosphorylated |
26 | SER | PRIDE | yes | |
484 | SER | PRIDE | yes | |
501 | SER | UP, PRIDE | Combined | yes |
Hover over to see the values, zoom (in/out) or drag by using the mouse pointer.
Phosphorylated amino acids are colored red on the inner ring.
The first amino acid of the protein sequence is colored darker on each ring.
Phospho peptides
Showing 4 results
Showing 0 results
PDB id | Chain | Method | Resolution | Stoichiometry | Interfacing Molecule/Chain | Complex Formation Significance Score (CSS) | P-sites | View Structure |
Showing 3 results
Swiss-Prot Position | Amino acid (Wild type) | Amino acid (Variant) | Variant Type | Disease |
354 | A | T | Unclassified | An ovarian mucinous carcinoma sample |
496 | A | T | Polymorphism | |
503 | R | Q | Unclassified | A colorectal adenocarcinoma sample |